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According to numerology, each letter of the alphabet is associated with a number between 1 and 9, each with its own set of traits and qualities. The first letter of a baby's name is said to be the most powerful, and can reveal information about the baby's future, personality, and destiny. The three most important numbers in numerology are the destiny number, the personality number, and the soul number. For example, the number 1 is associated with leadership and independence. The placement of each letter is said to determine the kind of influence it has on the person. For example, the letter B might indicate that the person is sensitive, introverted, personable, and compassionate. The letter C might indicate that the person is heartfelt, has a strong instinct about matters of the heart, and expresses themselves clearly.
SL. | NAME | Numerology | Meaning | See | |
1. | Aama | 7 | To Effect, Accomplish | Meaning & Detail | |
2. | Adelita | 7 | Small Winged One, Sweet, Noble | Meaning & Detail | |
3. | Aina | 7 | Mirror, Lightning, Beautiful Eyed | Meaning & Detail | |
4. | Alba | 7 | White, Blond, Fair Complexion | Meaning & Detail | |
5. | Aleesia | 7 | Gift of God | Meaning & Detail | |
6. | Alexa | 7 | Helper / Defender of Mankind | Meaning & Detail | |
7. | Alexis | 7 | Helper, Defender / Helper of | Meaning & Detail | |
8. | Alisaa | 7 | Of the Nobility, God is Salvation | Meaning & Detail | |
9. | Alita | 7 | Small Winged One, Truthful, Nobel | Meaning & Detail | |
10. | Aloise | 7 | Renowned in Battle, Famous | Meaning & Detail | |
11. | Alona | 7 | Light, Dear Child, Oak Tree | Meaning & Detail | |
12. | Alta | 7 | Abbreviation of Altagracia | Meaning & Detail | |
13. | Amaia | 7 | Ending, End, Resolution | Meaning & Detail | |
14. | Amanda | 7 | Lovable, Worthy of Love, Deserving | Meaning & Detail | |
15. | Amara | 7 | Elegance, Grass, Immortal One | Meaning & Detail | |
16. | Amaris | 7 | God has Promised, Child of the | Meaning & Detail | |
17. | Ana | 7 | Form of Anna, Gracious, God's | Meaning & Detail | |
18. | Anai | 7 | God has Shown, God was Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
19. | Andrea | 7 | Manly, A Man's Woman, Beautiful | Meaning & Detail | |
20. | Angelica | 7 | God's Messenger, Daughter of a | Meaning & Detail | |
21. | Anne | 7 | Grace, Favour, God is Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
22. | Antonina | 7 | Highly Praiseworthy, Priceless | Meaning & Detail | |
23. | Arama | 7 | Reference to the Virgin Mary | Meaning & Detail | |
24. | Aranza | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
25. | Armanda | 7 | Army Man, Feminine of Armando | Meaning & Detail | |
26. | Ashley | 7 | Meadow of Ash Trees, Dwells at the | Meaning & Detail | |
27. | Atalaya | 7 | Guard / Watch Tower | Meaning & Detail | |
28. | Athalia | 7 | God is Sublime, God is Exalted | Meaning & Detail | |
29. | Benigna | 7 | Benign, Kindly, Benevolent, Well | Meaning & Detail | |
30. | Benoite | 7 | Blessed | Meaning & Detail | |
31. | Beri | 7 | Exalted One, To Help, Bearer | Meaning & Detail | |
32. | Bernicia | 7 | Bearer of Victory, One who brings | Meaning & Detail | |
33. | Bersabe | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
34. | Bety | 7 | God is My Oath, God is Perfection | Meaning & Detail | |
35. | Betzabe | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
36. | Blanquita | 7 | White | Meaning & Detail | |
37. | Bolivia | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
38. | Bonita | 7 | Pretty, Beautiful, Pretty Little | Meaning & Detail | |
39. | Bonny | 7 | Pretty, Good, Sweet, Strange | Meaning & Detail | |
40. | Brasil | 7 | Of the Ancient Tree | Meaning & Detail | |
41. | Briggitte | 7 | Exalted One | Meaning & Detail | |
42. | Briselda | 7 | Exalted One | Meaning & Detail | |
43. | Bubi | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
44. | Buena | 7 | Good, Excellent, Woman of Good | Meaning & Detail | |
45. | Cabalina | 7 | Horsewoman | Meaning & Detail | |
46. | Caledah | 7 | Loving, Warm | Meaning & Detail | |
47. | Caleidah | 7 | Warm, Loving | Meaning & Detail | |
48. | Caliedah | 7 | Warm, Loving | Meaning & Detail | |
49. | California | 7 | From Paradise | Meaning & Detail | |
50. | Cambrea | 7 | Change | Meaning & Detail | |
51. | Cambreia | 7 | Change | Meaning & Detail | |
52. | Candita | 7 | White, Incandescent, Pure, Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
53. | Carlota | 7 | Free Woman, Petite or Feminine | Meaning & Detail | |
54. | Carmeli | 7 | Fruit Garden, Fruitful Land | Meaning & Detail | |
55. | Carolyn | 7 | Free Woman, Little and Womanly | Meaning & Detail | |
56. | Casandra | 7 | Unheeded Prophetess, She who | Meaning & Detail | |
57. | Cata | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
58. | Catalina | 7 | Chaste, Pure, Proud, Warlike | Meaning & Detail | |
59. | Cayetana | 7 | Form of Gaeta | Meaning & Detail | |
60. | Celestina | 7 | Heavenly, Divine, Of Sky | Meaning & Detail | |
61. | Celmira | 7 | Brilliant One | Meaning & Detail | |
62. | Chavela | 7 | God is Perfection, My God is a | Meaning & Detail | |
63. | Chelo | 7 | Solace, Consolation | Meaning & Detail | |
64. | Chikita | 7 | Little Girl | Meaning & Detail | |
65. | Chole | 7 | Solitude, Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
66. | Ciprina | 7 | Blessed by Goddess of Love | Meaning & Detail | |
67. | Clavva | 7 | A Sincere Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
68. | Closete | 7 | A Secretive Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
69. | Colomba | 7 | Dove | Meaning & Detail | |
70. | Colombia | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
71. | Concepcion | 7 | Conception, Reference to the | Meaning & Detail | |
72. | Conceta | 7 | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
73. | Conchi | 7 | Concepcion | Meaning & Detail | |
74. | Corazana | 7 | Heart, Courage | Meaning & Detail | |
75. | Corazone | 7 | Courage, Heart | Meaning & Detail | |
76. | Corisande | 7 | Flower of the Heart | Meaning & Detail | |
77. | Coteah | 7 | Full of Life, From the Riverbank | Meaning & Detail | |
78. | Crista | 7 | Christ Bearer, Appointed One, A | Meaning & Detail | |
79. | Cristine | 7 | Follower of Christ | Meaning & Detail | |
80. | Dameitah | 7 | Little Noble Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
81. | Damesia | 7 | Little Noble Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
82. | Damietah | 7 | Little Noble Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
83. | Debie | 7 | Form of Deborah | Meaning & Detail | |
84. | Delcine | 7 | Sweet | Meaning & Detail | |
85. | Delicia | 7 | Joy, Delightful One, Charming | Meaning & Detail | |
86. | Deloros | 7 | Pain, From the Seashore | Meaning & Detail | |
87. | Denisa | 7 | Dedicated to God, Feminine of | Meaning & Detail | |
88. | Denitza | 7 | God is My Judge | Meaning & Detail | |
89. | Dinora | 7 | Avenged, Judged, Vindicated, Form | Meaning & Detail | |
90. | Dionis | 7 | From Dionysus God of Wine | Meaning & Detail | |
91. | Dita | 7 | Prosperity, Battle, Abbreviation | Meaning & Detail | |
92. | Dolorcita | 7 | Pain, Sorrows | Meaning & Detail | |
93. | Dolores | 7 | Full of Sorrows, From the Virgin | Meaning & Detail | |
94. | Dona | 7 | Lady, World Mighty, Form of Donna | Meaning & Detail | |
95. | Donia | 7 | World Mighty, Form of Donna, Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
96. | Dores | 7 | Full of Sorrow, Song, Truthful | Meaning & Detail | |
97. | Eleadora | 7 | One who came from the Sun, Gold | Meaning & Detail | |
98. | Eligia | 7 | To Choose | Meaning & Detail | |
99. | Elionor | 7 | Bright / Shining One | Meaning & Detail | |
100. | Elizabeth | 7 | God is My Oath, My God is | Meaning & Detail | |
101. | Eloisa | 7 | Famous Warrior, French Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
102. | Emberatrise | 7 | A Respected Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
103. | Emberatryce | 7 | A Respected Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
104. | Encarnacion | 7 | Incarnation of Christ, Reference | Meaning & Detail | |
105. | Epifania | 7 | Manifestation of God | Meaning & Detail | |
106. | Erasime | 7 | Filled with Happiness | Meaning & Detail | |
107. | Esbilda | 7 | A Black-haired Beauty | Meaning & Detail | |
108. | Escarna | 7 | Merciful | Meaning & Detail | |
109. | Estefani | 7 | Garland, Crowned, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
110. | Esthelia | 7 | A Shining Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
111. | Eugeni | 7 | Noble, Well Born | Meaning & Detail | |
112. | Ezmirilda | 7 | Emerald | Meaning & Detail | |
113. | Felisa | 7 | Happy, Female Version of Felix | Meaning & Detail | |
114. | Franca | 7 | A Free Woman, Flowering, In Bloom | Meaning & Detail | |
115. | Francesca | 7 | Woman from France, Frenchwoman | Meaning & Detail | |
116. | Gela | 7 | Place name | Meaning & Detail | |
117. | Generose | 7 | Generous | Meaning & Detail | |
118. | Gitana | 7 | Gypsy | Meaning & Detail | |
119. | Gladis | 7 | Lame | Meaning & Detail | |
120. | Glenda | 7 | Holy, Divine Goodness, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
121. | Goraena | 7 | Holy Cross | Meaning & Detail | |
122. | Goranea | 7 | Holy Cross | Meaning & Detail | |
123. | Goranna | 7 | Holy Cross | Meaning & Detail | |
124. | Grace | 7 | Mercy, God's Favour, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
125. | Guadalupe | 7 | From Wolf's River, Valley of the | Meaning & Detail | |
126. | Guillelmina | 7 | Female Version of William | Meaning & Detail | |
127. | Havanna | 7 | From Havana, Cuba | Meaning & Detail | |
128. | Hayde | 7 | Well-behaved, Noble Sort | Meaning & Detail | |
129. | Heli | 7 | Sun, Light, Torch, Moon Elope | Meaning & Detail | |
130. | Heny | 7 | Sweetness, Lady of the Heart | Meaning & Detail | |
131. | Hermosa | 7 | Beautiful | Meaning & Detail | |
132. | Hilda | 7 | Battle Maid, War, Armour-wearing | Meaning & Detail | |
133. | Honor | 7 | Honour, Esteem, Integrity | Meaning & Detail | |
134. | Ingrid | 7 | Fair, Meadow, Ing is Beautiful | Meaning & Detail | |
135. | Iratze | 7 | Reference to the Virgin Mary | Meaning & Detail | |
136. | Isabella | 7 | Consecrated to God, God is My | Meaning & Detail | |
137. | Itxaso | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
138. | Itzayana | 7 | A Moon Goddess, Protected, She of | Meaning & Detail | |
139. | Ixchel | 7 | Goddess of the Moon and Fertility | Meaning & Detail | |
140. | Jacinthe | 7 | Hyacinth Flower, Similar to | Meaning & Detail | |
141. | Jacqueline | 7 | Supplanter, Holder of the Heel | Meaning & Detail | |
142. | Jaden | 7 | Thankful, Jade, God has Heard | Meaning & Detail | |
143. | Jadia | 7 | Jade | Meaning & Detail | |
144. | Jadine | 7 | Precious Green Stone | Meaning & Detail | |
145. | Jaede | 7 | Jade | Meaning & Detail | |
146. | Jaida | 7 | Stone of the Colic, The Gemstone | Meaning & Detail | |
147. | Jill | 7 | Youthful, Girl, Abbreviation of | Meaning & Detail | |
148. | Jimena | 7 | God has Heard, One who has Heard | Meaning & Detail | |
149. | Joaquina | 7 | Prepared, God will Judge, God will | Meaning & Detail | |
150. | Josefina | 7 | God Shall Add, The Liberator, He | Meaning & Detail | |
151. | Juli | 7 | Young, Youthful, Youth, Downy | Meaning & Detail | |
152. | Karla | 7 | Peasant, Farmer, Strong, Little | Meaning & Detail | |
153. | Karyna | 7 | Maiden, Chaste, Beloved, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
154. | Kathryn | 7 | Pure, Form of Catherine, Virginal | Meaning & Detail | |
155. | Katja | 7 | Pure, Holy | Meaning & Detail | |
156. | Kendi | 7 | The Loved One | Meaning & Detail | |
157. | Kety | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
158. | Kiva | 7 | Beautiful, Lotus, Protected | Meaning & Detail | |
159. | Ladonna | 7 | Lady, Form of Donna, Combination | Meaning & Detail | |
160. | Lali | 7 | Blushing, Darling, Well Spoken | Meaning & Detail | |
161. | Latia | 7 | Aunt | Meaning & Detail | |
162. | Leonor | 7 | Sympathy, Light, Sun Ray, Shining | Meaning & Detail | |
163. | Leya | 7 | Loyalty, The Law | Meaning & Detail | |
164. | Lila | 7 | Good, Night, Dark Beauty, Lily | Meaning & Detail | |
165. | Lilliana | 7 | Symbol of Innocence, Purity | Meaning & Detail | |
166. | Lomita | 7 | A Good Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
167. | Lowena | 7 | Loud, Warrior, Fighter, Fame | Meaning & Detail | |
168. | Luciana | 7 | Born in the First Hours of Light | Meaning & Detail | |
169. | Lucianne | 7 | Light, Illumination | Meaning & Detail | |
170. | Lucy | 7 | Bringer of Light, Light | Meaning & Detail | |
171. | Lumina | 7 | Of the Light, Glowing, Brilliant | Meaning & Detail | |
172. | Lupita | 7 | River Valley of the Wolves, Mother | Meaning & Detail | |
173. | Luvina | 7 | Little Beloved One, Derived from | Meaning & Detail | |
174. | Lynnda | 7 | Pretty | Meaning & Detail | |
175. | Lynne | 7 | Waterfall, A Cascade, Variant of | Meaning & Detail | |
176. | Lynnette | 7 | Variant of Ancient given name | Meaning & Detail | |
177. | Madelynn | 7 | High Tower, Woman from Magdala | Meaning & Detail | |
178. | Mady | 7 | From the High Tower, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
179. | Mafe | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
180. | Mafer | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
181. | Manoela | 7 | Variant of Manuel, God Accompanies | Meaning & Detail | |
182. | Margarita | 7 | Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate | Meaning & Detail | |
183. | Maricel | 7 | Of Mars, Mars was Mythological | Meaning & Detail | |
184. | Marifer | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
185. | Marisa | 7 | Combination of Maria and Luisa | Meaning & Detail | |
186. | Martha | 7 | Lady / Mistress of the House | Meaning & Detail | |
187. | Meche | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
188. | Meg | 7 | Love, Pearl, Great and Mighty | Meaning & Detail | |
189. | Merche | 7 | Merciful, Mercedes | Meaning & Detail | |
190. | Mirella | 7 | Admirable, Famous, Shining Sea | Meaning & Detail | |
191. | Mirta | 7 | Mistress of the House or Lady | Meaning & Detail | |
192. | Mona | 7 | Solitary, Adviser, Nun, Wish | Meaning & Detail | |
193. | Moraima | 7 | One who is Beautiful as the | Meaning & Detail | |
194. | Nahara | 7 | Light | Meaning & Detail | |
195. | Naia | 7 | Boat, Flowing | Meaning & Detail | |
196. | Naira | 7 | Woman with Big Eyes, Worth | Meaning & Detail | |
197. | Nais | 7 | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
198. | Nathalie | 7 | Child Born at Christmas, The | Meaning & Detail | |
199. | Nazaria | 7 | Dedicated to God | Meaning & Detail | |
200. | Nena | 7 | Eyes, Favour, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
201. | Nerea | 7 | Mine | Meaning & Detail | |
202. | Nisrine | 7 | Wild Rose, Sweetbrier | Meaning & Detail | |
203. | Nohely | 7 | Christmas | Meaning & Detail | |
204. | Norma | 7 | From the North, Pattern, Courage | Meaning & Detail | |
205. | Nova | 7 | New, Newcomer, A Bright Star | Meaning & Detail | |
206. | Oihane | 7 | From the Forest | Meaning & Detail | |
207. | Ora | 7 | Beautiful Sea-coast, Money, Light | Meaning & Detail | |
208. | Orietta | 7 | Golden | Meaning & Detail | |
209. | Othelia | 7 | Rich | Meaning & Detail | |
210. | Palma | 7 | Palm Tree, Palm Bearing Pilgrim | Meaning & Detail | |
211. | Palmira | 7 | Palm Tree, From the City of Palms | Meaning & Detail | |
212. | Paz | 7 | Gold, Peace, Golden | Meaning & Detail | |
213. | Perla | 7 | Gemstone, Pearl, A Little Sphere | Meaning & Detail | |
214. | Poli | 7 | Rebelliousness, Sea of Bitterness | Meaning & Detail | |
215. | Quintana | 7 | The Fifth | Meaning & Detail | |
216. | Raea | 7 | Beautiful, Unique | Meaning & Detail | |
217. | Raina | 7 | Queen, Advice, Decision | Meaning & Detail | |
218. | Rebeca | 7 | Tied, Joined, Form of Rebecca, One | Meaning & Detail | |
219. | Regla | 7 | Royal, Kingly | Meaning & Detail | |
220. | Remedios | 7 | Remedy, Help | Meaning & Detail | |
221. | Ricca | 7 | Peaceful Ruler, Ruler Forever | Meaning & Detail | |
222. | Romina | 7 | From the Land, Place name, The | Meaning & Detail | |
223. | Rosalin | 7 | Pretty / Fair Rose | Meaning & Detail | |
224. | Rosalinde | 7 | Beautiful, Pretty Rose | Meaning & Detail | |
225. | Rosela | 7 | Rose | Meaning & Detail | |
226. | Roseline | 7 | Beautiful, Compound of 'Horse' and | Meaning & Detail | |
227. | Sagrario | 7 | Tabernacle | Meaning & Detail | |
228. | Samia | 7 | Nice, One who can Hear | Meaning & Detail | |
229. | Santana | 7 | Saint Anna, Lord Muruga | Meaning & Detail | |
230. | Sarda | 7 | The name of Goddess Saraswati | Meaning & Detail | |
231. | Sera | 7 | Princess, Burning One, Serpent | Meaning & Detail | |
232. | Severa | 7 | Severe | Meaning & Detail | |
233. | Shailyn | 7 | Admirable | Meaning & Detail | |
234. | Sharo | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
235. | Sian | 7 | Princess of Light, Jehovah has | Meaning & Detail | |
236. | Sierra | 7 | From the Mountains, Dark Feminine | Meaning & Detail | |
237. | Silvya | 7 | Woman of the Woods | Meaning & Detail | |
238. | Solina | 7 | Sunshine | Meaning & Detail | |
239. | Sor | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
240. | Stephanie | 7 | A Crown of Garland, Crown | Meaning & Detail | |
241. | Suyin | 7 | Unadorned Sound | Meaning & Detail | |
242. | Talia | 7 | Dew from Heaven, Blooming, Near | Meaning & Detail | |
243. | Tanya | 7 | Of the Family, Fairy Princess | Meaning & Detail | |
244. | Teresita | 7 | Harvest, Harvester, Similar to | Meaning & Detail | |
245. | Terri | 7 | Harvester, Abbreviation of Teresa | Meaning & Detail | |
246. | Tonye | 7 | Inestimable, Priceless, The Origin | Meaning & Detail | |
247. | Toto | 7 | Versatile | Meaning & Detail | |
248. | Toya | 7 | Water, Toy, Woman of Victory | Meaning & Detail | |
249. | Trini | 7 | Wave, Triad, Trinity | Meaning & Detail | |
250. | Ula | 7 | Sea Jewel, Wealthy, Little Bear | Meaning & Detail | |
251. | Ulia | 7 | Sea Jewel | Meaning & Detail | |
252. | Ursulina | 7 | Little Bear | Meaning & Detail | |
253. | Vanina | 7 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
254. | Vicky | 7 | Woman of Victory, Winner | Meaning & Detail | |
255. | Victoria | 7 | Woman of Victory, Victorious | Meaning & Detail | |
256. | Wanda | 7 | Get Fat, Wanderer, A Slavic name | Meaning & Detail | |
257. | Wonder | 7 | Remarkable | Meaning & Detail | |
258. | Xuxa | 7 | Lily, Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
259. | Yamila | 7 | Beautiful | Meaning & Detail | |
260. | Yazmin | 7 | Jasmine Flower | Meaning & Detail | |
261. | Ynez | 7 | Pure, Chaste, Variant of Agnes | Meaning & Detail | |
262. | Yza | 7 | God is My Oath, God is Perfection | Meaning & Detail | |
263. | Zay | 7 | Berry Wood, Hay Clearing, Bailiff | Meaning & Detail |