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All About Marathi Baby girl Annuradha Name

Name Annuradha
Meaning Goddess of Luck, Name of a Star
Gender girl
Country OriginMarathi
Numerology No.1
Zodiac Mesha/Aries

Annuradha Name Meaning

Name: Annuradha
Meaning: Goddess of Luck, Name of a Star
Gender: girl
Country Origin:Marathi
Numerology No.:1
Zodiac: Mesha/Aries
A = 1
N = 5
N = 5
U = 3
R = 9
A = 1
D = 4
H = 8
A = 1
Sum Of Annuradha Name Numbers = 37
Numerology Of Annuradha is 1

Creative: They are inventive and have a creative mind.

Independent: They are feisty and charming, yet independent.

Strong: They are hardworking, powerful, and self-dependent.

Natural leaders: They are self-motivated, have good controlling abilities, and prefer to be in charge or work alone.

Stubborn: They can be egoistic, dominating, and stubborn at times.

Unique: They are original thinkers and strongly individual.

Generous: They are inherently generous, honorable, and respectable personalities.

Charismatic: They are charismatic, confident, physically passionate, and attractive.

Inner strength: They have inner strength and independence, which can make them feel slightly out of reach to others.

According to numerology, people with a life path number of 1 are natural leaders who are good at identifying and pursuing opportunities. They are also self-motivated, ambitious, and creative.

According to numerology, people with the number 1 as their life path number may have a few weaknesses:

Arrogance: They may be self-centered, egotistical, demanding, and boastful.

Domination: They may become rigid and dominating, which can sometimes overshadow others.

Stubbornness: They may sometimes be a bit too stubborn, showing impatience when things don't move quickly.

Lack of attention: They may not pay much attention to others' points of view.

Cutting others out: They may have a tendency to cut others from life after their purpose is served.

According to numerology, people with the number 1 as their life path number may have a few strengths:
New beginnings
Planning and organization

According to numerology, people with a life path number of 1 are most compatible with life path numbers 3, 5, and 6.

In numerology, the number 1 can have following negative traits
Overly assertive or aggressive, Dominating, Impulsive, Egotistic, Boastful, Willfully, Judgemental, Rigid, Stubborn, Egoistic. 
Some say that people with the number 1 in numerology may also:
Be blamed, mocked, and tested
Have no support
Be surrounded by enemies and frenemies
Face struggles at every step of their life

In numerology, the planet Sun is associated with the number 1. People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of any month are said to be number 1 people.

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