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According to numerology, each letter of the alphabet is associated with a number between 1 and 9, each with its own set of traits and qualities. The first letter of a baby's name is said to be the most powerful, and can reveal information about the baby's future, personality, and destiny. The three most important numbers in numerology are the destiny number, the personality number, and the soul number. For example, the number 1 is associated with leadership and independence. The placement of each letter is said to determine the kind of influence it has on the person. For example, the letter B might indicate that the person is sensitive, introverted, personable, and compassionate. The letter C might indicate that the person is heartfelt, has a strong instinct about matters of the heart, and expresses themselves clearly.
SL. | NAME | Numerology | Meaning | See | |
1. | Aanukka | 6 | Favour, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
2. | Ada | 6 | Graceful and Noble, Pure, Noble | Meaning & Detail | |
3. | Adalina | 6 | Saint, Noble Kind, Small Winged | Meaning & Detail | |
4. | Ain | 6 | Precious, Eye, God was Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
5. | Aini | 6 | Spring, Flower, Source, The Eye | Meaning & Detail | |
6. | Akka | 6 | Old Lady / Woman, Goddess of | Meaning & Detail | |
7. | Aku | 6 | Majestic, Abbreviation of Aukust | Meaning & Detail | |
8. | Akustiina | 6 | Venerated, Great | Meaning & Detail | |
9. | Alex | 6 | Defender of Mankind, Noble, Female | Meaning & Detail | |
10. | Aliisa | 6 | Noble, Graceful | Meaning & Detail | |
11. | Alisa | 6 | Kind Type, God is Salvation, Sun | Meaning & Detail | |
12. | Ama | 6 | Lovable, Born on a Saturday | Meaning & Detail | |
13. | Amira | 6 | Princess, High-born, Speech | Meaning & Detail | |
14. | Angelika | 6 | Angelic, Messenger from God, Like | Meaning & Detail | |
15. | Anjukka | 6 | God is Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
16. | Annele | 6 | God is Gracious, Sweetness of | Meaning & Detail | |
17. | Annikki | 6 | Grace, Favour, Gracious, Merciful | Meaning & Detail | |
18. | Ansko | 6 | God has Favoured Me | Meaning & Detail | |
19. | Antoinette | 6 | Invaluable, Female Version of | Meaning & Detail | |
20. | Arni | 6 | Moon, Sun, Light of Fire | Meaning & Detail | |
21. | Atta | 6 | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
22. | Auneetta | 6 | Holy Woman, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
23. | Auno | 6 | Holy Woman, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
24. | Benita | 6 | Blessed, Good Person | Meaning & Detail | |
25. | Bereta | 6 | Strong | Meaning & Detail | |
26. | Britt | 6 | Powerful, Strong, Strength, Power | Meaning & Detail | |
27. | Camilla | 6 | Young Ceremonial Attendant, Helper | Meaning & Detail | |
28. | Cecilia | 6 | Dim Sighted, The Way for the | Meaning & Detail | |
29. | Connie | 6 | Steady, Permanent, Steadfastness | Meaning & Detail | |
30. | Corina | 6 | Maiden | Meaning & Detail | |
31. | Corinne | 6 | Maiden | Meaning & Detail | |
32. | Diane | 6 | Divine, Heavenly, Mythological | Meaning & Detail | |
33. | Dorotea | 6 | Gift of God, Form of Dorothy | Meaning & Detail | |
34. | Eerikka | 6 | Island Ruler | Meaning & Detail | |
35. | Eeva | 6 | Breathing, Life, The Juniper Tree | Meaning & Detail | |
36. | Eevastiina | 6 | Living, Live | Meaning & Detail | |
37. | Efrosiina | 6 | Mirth, Merriment | Meaning & Detail | |
38. | Eine | 6 | Point of a Sword | Meaning & Detail | |
39. | Eira | 6 | Merciful, Snow, Gift of Allah | Meaning & Detail | |
40. | Eivor | 6 | Luck, Careful | Meaning & Detail | |
41. | Elkku | 6 | Foreign, Other | Meaning & Detail | |
42. | Emerenzia | 6 | Deserving, Merit, To Earn | Meaning & Detail | |
43. | Enni | 6 | Fear | Meaning & Detail | |
44. | Era | 6 | Breeze, Long Period of Time, Wind | Meaning & Detail | |
45. | Essukka | 6 | A God / Goddess | Meaning & Detail | |
46. | Etel | 6 | Noble, Righteous, Loyal - Noble | Meaning & Detail | |
47. | Eufemia | 6 | One with the Good Reputation | Meaning & Detail | |
48. | Eufemiia | 6 | One with the Good Reputation | Meaning & Detail | |
49. | Evridiki | 6 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
50. | Femi | 6 | From Yourba, Love | Meaning & Detail | |
51. | Filippa | 6 | One who Loves Horses, Similar to | Meaning & Detail | |
52. | Florence | 6 | Thriving, Prosperous, Flourishing | Meaning & Detail | |
53. | Gerli | 6 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
54. | Greta | 6 | Child of Light, A Pearl, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
55. | Hanne | 6 | God has Favoured, God is Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
56. | Helga | 6 | Divine Woman, Holy, Sacred | Meaning & Detail | |
57. | Helle | 6 | Divine Woman, Sun Ray, Shining | Meaning & Detail | |
58. | Hellin | 6 | Light | Meaning & Detail | |
59. | Henna | 6 | Golden Creeper, Home Ruler, House | Meaning & Detail | |
60. | Hertha | 6 | Powerful Woman, Earth, On the | Meaning & Detail | |
61. | Heti | 6 | Sun Ray, Bright | Meaning & Detail | |
62. | Hilju | 6 | Silence, Quiet, Calm | Meaning & Detail | |
63. | Hilla | 6 | Timid | Meaning & Detail | |
64. | Hillari | 6 | Cheerful | Meaning & Detail | |
65. | Hilsu | 6 | Cloud Berry | Meaning & Detail | |
66. | Hulra | 6 | Lovely, Graceful | Meaning & Detail | |
67. | Hultukka | 6 | Hidden, Obscure, Secret | Meaning & Detail | |
68. | Ihana | 6 | Delight, Wonder | Meaning & Detail | |
69. | Iina | 6 | Life | Meaning & Detail | |
70. | Iippa | 6 | Bow Warrior | Meaning & Detail | |
71. | Ilianna | 6 | Bright / Shine / Shining | Meaning & Detail | |
72. | Ilta | 6 | Evening, Night | Meaning & Detail | |
73. | Ilu | 6 | Light Life | Meaning & Detail | |
74. | Imbi | 6 | Maiden, Virgin | Meaning & Detail | |
75. | Ina | 6 | Strong, Illuminate, Light up | Meaning & Detail | |
76. | Inari | 6 | Place name for Lake in Finland | Meaning & Detail | |
77. | Ingegerd | 6 | Guarded by Ing, Ing's Beauty | Meaning & Detail | |
78. | Irene | 6 | Peaceful, Palm Tree, A Piece, A | Meaning & Detail | |
79. | Irina | 6 | Peace | Meaning & Detail | |
80. | Ise | 6 | She of the Thorne | Meaning & Detail | |
81. | Izora | 6 | Dawn | Meaning & Detail | |
82. | Jakki | 6 | Replacer, Supplanter | Meaning & Detail | |
83. | Jalmiina | 6 | Warrior Helmet | Meaning & Detail | |
84. | Jami | 6 | Supplanter, Holder of the Heel | Meaning & Detail | |
85. | Jannika | 6 | God is Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
86. | Jeri | 6 | Spear Ruler, Ruler with a Spear | Meaning & Detail | |
87. | Jette | 6 | Ruler of the Home, Jet-black | Meaning & Detail | |
88. | Juhanna | 6 | God is Gracious | Meaning & Detail | |
89. | Juliaana | 6 | Youthful, Jove's Child | Meaning & Detail | |
90. | Juljana | 6 | Youthful, Downy Bearded | Meaning & Detail | |
91. | Junna | 6 | Give Refuge | Meaning & Detail | |
92. | Juti | 6 | Fair | Meaning & Detail | |
93. | Kajsa | 6 | Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
94. | Karita | 6 | Beloved, Dear, Lover, Cardinal | Meaning & Detail | |
95. | Karli | 6 | Free Woman, Little and Womanly | Meaning & Detail | |
96. | Karu | 6 | Maker | Meaning & Detail | |
97. | Karuliina | 6 | Manly, Freeman | Meaning & Detail | |
98. | Kata | 6 | Chaste, Pure, Name of a Sage | Meaning & Detail | |
99. | Katharine | 6 | Pure, Torture, Form of Katherine | Meaning & Detail | |
100. | Katia | 6 | Pure, Variant of Katherine / | Meaning & Detail | |
101. | Katrine | 6 | Chaste, Pure, Form of Catherine | Meaning & Detail | |
102. | Kepa | 6 | Stone | Meaning & Detail | |
103. | Kerstin | 6 | Follower of Christ, Christian | Meaning & Detail | |
104. | Kitti | 6 | Chaste, Pure, Diminutive of | Meaning & Detail | |
105. | Kreeta | 6 | Name of Greek Island | Meaning & Detail | |
106. | Krista | 6 | Follower of Christ, Anointed | Meaning & Detail | |
107. | Kristia | 6 | Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
108. | Kustaava | 6 | Staff of the Gods | Meaning & Detail | |
109. | Kylli | 6 | Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
110. | Laara | 6 | Famous | Meaning & Detail | |
111. | Laurukka | 6 | A Place name | Meaning & Detail | |
112. | Layla | 6 | Dark Beauty, Wine, Intoxication | Meaning & Detail | |
113. | Lili | 6 | German Diminutive of Elizabeth | Meaning & Detail | |
114. | Lillian | 6 | Blend of Lily and Ann, Variant of | Meaning & Detail | |
115. | Lissa | 6 | Honey, Sacred of God, Luck, Good | Meaning & Detail | |
116. | Lona | 6 | Bliss, Solitary One, Lioness | Meaning & Detail | |
117. | Loviisa | 6 | Form of Louis, Well-known Fighter | Meaning & Detail | |
118. | Lovisa | 6 | Renowned, Famous Warrior / Fighter | Meaning & Detail | |
119. | Lullu | 6 | Light, Precious | Meaning & Detail | |
120. | Lydia | 6 | Noble Kind, Of the Noble Sort | Meaning & Detail | |
121. | Lyylikki | 6 | Kind Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
122. | Lyytikka | 6 | Kind Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
123. | Maia | 6 | May, Source of the Month May | Meaning & Detail | |
124. | Maikko | 6 | Dance Child | Meaning & Detail | |
125. | Maileena | 6 | Dance | Meaning & Detail | |
126. | Maisi | 6 | Pearl | Meaning & Detail | |
127. | Manda | 6 | Name of a River, Battle Maid | Meaning & Detail | |
128. | Mantu | 6 | Lovable | Meaning & Detail | |
129. | Mapu | 6 | Bitter | Meaning & Detail | |
130. | Mara | 6 | Bitter, Variant of Maria | Meaning & Detail | |
131. | Maren | 6 | From the Shore, Of the Sea, Sea of | Meaning & Detail | |
132. | Maria | 6 | Pleasure of Joy, Sea of | Meaning & Detail | |
133. | Mariia | 6 | Sea of Bitterness / Sorrow | Meaning & Detail | |
134. | Marleena | 6 | From the High Tower, Bitter | Meaning & Detail | |
135. | Marpu | 6 | Bitter | Meaning & Detail | |
136. | Martukka | 6 | Bitter | Meaning & Detail | |
137. | Matel | 6 | Of Magdala | Meaning & Detail | |
138. | Mateli | 6 | Of Magdala | Meaning & Detail | |
139. | Matilda | 6 | Mighty in Battle, Strong in War | Meaning & Detail | |
140. | Meelike | 6 | Mind | Meaning & Detail | |
141. | Merje | 6 | Rejoice | Meaning & Detail | |
142. | Miija | 6 | God will Set Free | Meaning & Detail | |
143. | Miisa | 6 | Add Meaning | Meaning & Detail | |
144. | Miki | 6 | Princess, Sweet, Beautiful Tree | Meaning & Detail | |
145. | Mimmu | 6 | Sea of Bitterness | Meaning & Detail | |
146. | Minea | 6 | Powerful, Intellect, Mild | Meaning & Detail | |
147. | Minna | 6 | Form of Willamina, Will, Desire | Meaning & Detail | |
148. | Mirja | 6 | Rebellious, Star of the Sea | Meaning & Detail | |
149. | Misa | 6 | Like a God | Meaning & Detail | |
150. | Muriel | 6 | Myrrh, Bright Sea, Sea-bright | Meaning & Detail | |
151. | Naemi | 6 | Sweetness, My Delight | Meaning & Detail | |
152. | Nancee | 6 | Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
153. | Neida | 6 | Grace, Favour, Without Guile | Meaning & Detail | |
154. | Nerthus | 6 | Name of a Goddess, Goddess of | Meaning & Detail | |
155. | Nerva | 6 | Aftermath | Meaning & Detail | |
156. | Netta | 6 | A Plant / Shrub, Beyond Price | Meaning & Detail | |
157. | Neva | 6 | Leader of the Tribe, Snowy | Meaning & Detail | |
158. | Nietta | 6 | Chaste, Pure, Sacred | Meaning & Detail | |
159. | Ninette | 6 | Favour, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
160. | Ninni | 6 | Sweet | Meaning & Detail | |
161. | Nomi | 6 | Beautiful, Radiant, Sweetness | Meaning & Detail | |
162. | Oliivja | 6 | Olive Tree | Meaning & Detail | |
163. | Oloi | 6 | Holy, Blessed | Meaning & Detail | |
164. | Onnetar | 6 | Happiness, Luck | Meaning & Detail | |
165. | Paula | 6 | Tiny, Petite, Small, Humble | Meaning & Detail | |
166. | Pelagia | 6 | Of the Sea, Sea, Ocean | Meaning & Detail | |
167. | Pellervo | 6 | Of Harvest God | Meaning & Detail | |
168. | Pepe | 6 | Yahwell will Add Another Kid | Meaning & Detail | |
169. | Pernilla | 6 | Rock, Stone, Bumpkin | Meaning & Detail | |
170. | Peta | 6 | Rock, Female Version of Peter | Meaning & Detail | |
171. | Petra | 6 | Rock, Stone, Small Rock, Strong | Meaning & Detail | |
172. | Phoebe | 6 | Bright One, Radiance, Pure, The | Meaning & Detail | |
173. | Pieta | 6 | Blessed, Bringer of Joy | Meaning & Detail | |
174. | Pinka | 6 | Pink | Meaning & Detail | |
175. | Preita | 6 | Most Loving One | Meaning & Detail | |
176. | Priscila | 6 | Ancient, Primitive, Venerable | Meaning & Detail | |
177. | Raikka | 6 | Ewe | Meaning & Detail | |
178. | Ravdna | 6 | Goddess | Meaning & Detail | |
179. | Rea | 6 | Poppy, Earth, In Greek Myth, Rhea | Meaning & Detail | |
180. | Reeni | 6 | Peaceful | Meaning & Detail | |
181. | Reetta | 6 | Pearl | Meaning & Detail | |
182. | Rekkiina | 6 | Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
183. | Rietukka | 6 | Peaceful Ruler | Meaning & Detail | |
184. | Riina | 6 | Pure, Clear, Bright | Meaning & Detail | |
185. | Roossa | 6 | Pinkish Colour | Meaning & Detail | |
186. | Rufina | 6 | Red Haired, Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
187. | Ruta | 6 | Beautiful, Friend, Companion | Meaning & Detail | |
188. | Saaru | 6 | Noble Princess | Meaning & Detail | |
189. | Saila | 6 | Dwelling in the Mountains | Meaning & Detail | |
190. | Saimi | 6 | Fasting Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
191. | Sally | 6 | Princess, Noble Lady, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
192. | Sam | 6 | God, God has Listen, Told by God | Meaning & Detail | |
193. | Samanta | 6 | Listener, God has Heard, Flower | Meaning & Detail | |
194. | Sannu | 6 | Lily, A Flower name | Meaning & Detail | |
195. | Sapiina | 6 | Woman Sabine, Catlike | Meaning & Detail | |
196. | Sapina | 6 | Woman Sabine, Catlike | Meaning & Detail | |
197. | Sascha | 6 | Defending Men, Protector of | Meaning & Detail | |
198. | Sehviina | 6 | One who will Enlarge | Meaning & Detail | |
199. | Selene | 6 | From Selina, Lunar Glow, Goddess | Meaning & Detail | |
200. | Siilja | 6 | Blind | Meaning & Detail | |
201. | Silja | 6 | A Romantic Flower, Blind | Meaning & Detail | |
202. | Sini | 6 | Blue, Fair-complexioned | Meaning & Detail | |
203. | Sirkka | 6 | Bunting, Cricket, Cotyledon | Meaning & Detail | |
204. | Sirpana | 6 | Small Fragment | Meaning & Detail | |
205. | Sissu | 6 | Fooder, A Type of Grass | Meaning & Detail | |
206. | Sivia | 6 | Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
207. | Sofja | 6 | Wisdom | Meaning & Detail | |
208. | Soile | 6 | Glow from Northern Lights | Meaning & Detail | |
209. | Soilikka | 6 | Cape Primrose | Meaning & Detail | |
210. | Sosso | 6 | Wisdom | Meaning & Detail | |
211. | Stella | 6 | Star, Like a Star, Form of Estelle | Meaning & Detail | |
212. | Sunneva | 6 | Gift of the Sun | Meaning & Detail | |
213. | Suoma | 6 | Finnish Form of Finland, The | Meaning & Detail | |
214. | Susa | 6 | A Flower name, Lily Flower | Meaning & Detail | |
215. | Suvet | 6 | Summer Spirit | Meaning & Detail | |
216. | Sylvi | 6 | From the House of Strength | Meaning & Detail | |
217. | Taika | 6 | Magic | Meaning & Detail | |
218. | Tapikka | 6 | Goddess of Forest | Meaning & Detail | |
219. | Taru | 6 | Tree, Myth, Legend, Destiny | Meaning & Detail | |
220. | Telma | 6 | Volition, Thelma, Helmet | Meaning & Detail | |
221. | Tepa | 6 | Bunch, Cluster | Meaning & Detail | |
222. | Teressa | 6 | Harvester, Late Summer | Meaning & Detail | |
223. | Teressia | 6 | Hunter, Women of the Theresia | Meaning & Detail | |
224. | Terhi | 6 | Acorn | Meaning & Detail | |
225. | Tiilia | 6 | Praise | Meaning & Detail | |
226. | Tilia | 6 | Powerful in Battle | Meaning & Detail | |
227. | Tiltukka | 6 | Powerful Battle | Meaning & Detail | |
228. | Tonja | 6 | Priceless, Inestimable, Similar to | Meaning & Detail | |
229. | Toora | 6 | A Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
230. | Tua | 6 | Behind | Meaning & Detail | |
231. | Tuomi | 6 | Twin | Meaning & Detail | |
232. | Tuovi | 6 | Village | Meaning & Detail | |
233. | Tuulikki | 6 | Wind, Little Wind | Meaning & Detail | |
234. | Uljaana | 6 | Jove's Child | Meaning & Detail | |
235. | Ullariikka | 6 | Jove's Child | Meaning & Detail | |
236. | Uta | 6 | Wealth, Poem Child, Fortunate Maid | Meaning & Detail | |
237. | Valbe | 6 | Protecting Ruler | Meaning & Detail | |
238. | Vappe | 6 | Protecting Ruler | Meaning & Detail | |
239. | Varpu | 6 | Berry Brush, Twig, Shrub | Meaning & Detail | |
240. | Varvoi | 6 | Foreign, Strange | Meaning & Detail | |
241. | Veera | 6 | Brave, Faith, Truth | Meaning & Detail | |
242. | Verna | 6 | Truth, Born in Spring, Spear | Meaning & Detail | |
243. | Viena | 6 | Delicate, Soft, Gentle | Meaning & Detail | |
244. | Viisa | 6 | Famous Warrior | Meaning & Detail | |
245. | Viki | 6 | Victory | Meaning & Detail | |
246. | Viktoria | 6 | Victorious, Conqueror, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
247. | Vilhelmiina | 6 | Will-helmet | Meaning & Detail | |
248. | Vilhelmina | 6 | Desire, Protection, Will, Helmet | Meaning & Detail | |
249. | Villima | 6 | Will Helmet | Meaning & Detail | |
250. | Ylva | 6 | She-wolf, Female Wolf | Meaning & Detail |