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If you are looking for the perfect english baby girl name that . You are in luck! We have collected the ultimate list of english baby girl name beginning with to make your baby name hunt easy and delightful. At the time of considering what name to give your baby, Life care legacy present popular english baby girl names that make strong and unique names for your babies. english baby names starting with have noway been further popular! Discover rare baby girl name, the stylish options for boy middle names that start with E, and more! And if you love these boy names and want to explore the other letters of the ABC, check out our complete list of english girl names from A-Z.
SL. | NAME | LISTEN | See | |
1. | Aariaani | Pure, Holy One, Gift from God | Meaning & Detail | |
2. | Aariana | Pure, The Holiest One | Meaning & Detail | |
3. | Aariyani | Pure, Holy One, Variant of Arianna | Meaning & Detail | |
4. | Aaryanna | Queen, Utterly Pure, Noble | Meaning & Detail | |
5. | Ada | Graceful and Noble, Pure, Noble | Meaning & Detail | |
6. | Aebba | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
7. | Aeni | Original, Pure, True | Meaning & Detail | |
8. | Agnes | Pure, Chaste, Holy, Goddess of | Meaning & Detail | |
9. | Agnieszka | Sacred, Chaste, Pure, Holy | Meaning & Detail | |
10. | Agote | Pure, Virginal | Meaning & Detail | |
11. | Aldus | Purest, Wind, Fair | Meaning & Detail | |
12. | Anais | Grace, Favour, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
13. | Aneisha | Pure, Variant of Anne or Agnes | Meaning & Detail | |
14. | Anelia | Merciful, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
15. | Anessa | Pure, Variant of Anne or Agnes | Meaning & Detail | |
16. | Anice | Scottish Form of Ann Grace, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
17. | Anicia | Pure, Of a Noble Kind | Meaning & Detail | |
18. | Anis | Pure, Chaste, Companion, Best | Meaning & Detail | |
19. | Anisha | Pure, Grace, Continuous, Day | Meaning & Detail | |
20. | Anissa | Gracious, Merciful, Pure, Variant | Meaning & Detail | |
21. | Annes | Pure, Chaste, Lamb, Hunger | Meaning & Detail | |
22. | Annice | Pure, Form of Agnes, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
23. | Annis | Pure, Chaste, Sacred, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
24. | Anyssa | Pure, Variant of Anne or Agnes | Meaning & Detail | |
25. | Ariani | Pure, Holy One, Variant of Arianna | Meaning & Detail | |
26. | Arianna | Holy One, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
27. | Ariannah | Pure, Holy One | Meaning & Detail | |
28. | Ariyani | Holy One, Pure, Variant of Arianna | Meaning & Detail | |
29. | Ariyannah | Pure, Holy One | Meaning & Detail | |
30. | Biancia | Pure, God is Perfection, White | Meaning & Detail | |
31. | Bianey | God is Perfection, Pure, White | Meaning & Detail | |
32. | Biannca | Pure, White, God is Perfection | Meaning & Detail | |
33. | Bronwen | Dark and Pure, Fair, White, Holy | Meaning & Detail | |
34. | Bronwyn | Dark, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
35. | Cade | Spirit of the Battle, Round, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
36. | Cadee | Pure, A Rhythmic Flow of Sounds | Meaning & Detail | |
37. | Caelyn | Torture, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
38. | Cailynn | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
39. | Cait | Pure, Virginal, Variant of | Meaning & Detail | |
40. | Caitlandt | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
41. | Caitlin | Chaste, Pure, The Celtic Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
42. | Caitlon | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
43. | Caitlyn | Pure, Form of Catherine, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
44. | Calin | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
45. | Candace | White, Clear, Pure, Glowing | Meaning & Detail | |
46. | Candea | Candy, Incandescent, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
47. | Candeah | Pure, Candy, Incandescent | Meaning & Detail | |
48. | Candelle | Queen Mother, Pure, Incandescent | Meaning & Detail | |
49. | Candes | Pure, Queen Mother, Incandescent | Meaning & Detail | |
50. | Candey | Pure, Candy, Incandescent | Meaning & Detail | |
51. | Candice | Pure, Glowing, Form of Candace | Meaning & Detail | |
52. | Candis | Pure, White, Glowing, Prince of | Meaning & Detail | |
53. | Candiss | Pure, Glowing, Form of Candace | Meaning & Detail | |
54. | Candita | White, Incandescent, Pure, Queen | Meaning & Detail | |
55. | Candyce | Pure, Glowing, Ancient Hereditary | Meaning & Detail | |
56. | Candyss | Queen Mother, Incandescent, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
57. | Carana | Torture, Pure, Keel of a Ship | Meaning & Detail | |
58. | Cari | Beloved, Man, Pure, Abbreviation | Meaning & Detail | |
59. | Carin | Chaste, Pure, Beloved, Keel | Meaning & Detail | |
60. | Carine | Friend, Pure, Maiden, Dear Little | Meaning & Detail | |
61. | Carone | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
62. | Carri | Free Man, Pure, Female Version of | Meaning & Detail | |
63. | Carron | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
64. | Caryn | Pure, Modern Variant of Karen | Meaning & Detail | |
65. | Carynn | Pure, Modern Variant of Karen | Meaning & Detail | |
66. | Cass | From Cassandra, Prophetess, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
67. | Cassey | Pure, Helps Mankind | Meaning & Detail | |
68. | Cataleen | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
69. | Catalin | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
70. | Catalina | Chaste, Pure, Proud, Warlike | Meaning & Detail | |
71. | Cataline | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
72. | Catalyn | Pure, Clear | Meaning & Detail | |
73. | Catelin | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
74. | Catelyn | Pure, Variant of Katherine | Meaning & Detail | |
75. | Catey | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
76. | Cath | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
77. | Catharina | Pure, Clear, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
78. | Catharyn | Pure, Clear | Meaning & Detail | |
79. | Cathee | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
80. | Catheirn | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
81. | Catheline | Torture, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
82. | Cathenne | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
83. | Catheren | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
84. | Catherin | Pure, Clear, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
85. | Catherina | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
86. | Catherine | Pure, Innocent, Torture, Sweet and | Meaning & Detail | |
87. | Cathern | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
88. | Cathey | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
89. | Cathi | Pure, Form of the Greek Catherine | Meaning & Detail | |
90. | Cathia | Pure, Form of the Greek Catherine | Meaning & Detail | |
91. | Cathie | Pure, Form of the Greek Catherine | Meaning & Detail | |
92. | Cathleen | Pure, Clear, Courage, Purity | Meaning & Detail | |
93. | Cathresha | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
94. | Cathreshah | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
95. | Cathreshea | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
96. | Cathresheah | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
97. | Cathreshia | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
98. | Cathreshiah | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
99. | Cathrisha | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
100. | Cathrishah | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
101. | Cathryn | Pure, Innocent, Torture, Form of | Meaning & Detail | |
102. | Cathrysha | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
103. | Cathryshah | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
104. | Cathy | Pure, Form of the Catherine | Meaning & Detail | |
105. | Catie | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
106. | Catina | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
107. | Catlain | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
108. | Catrelle | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
109. | Catrine | Pure, Torture | Meaning & Detail | |
110. | Catriona | Chaste, Pure, Clear, Similar to | Meaning & Detail | |
111. | Caylen | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
112. | Chalise | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
113. | Chastity | Pure, Virtuous, Purity | Meaning & Detail | |
114. | Cheena | Pure White Marble | Meaning & Detail | |
115. | Cherlyn | Pure, Little and Womanly, Female | Meaning & Detail | |
116. | Claenis | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
117. | Claennys | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
118. | Claenys | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
119. | Clariz | Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
120. | Claynnis | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
121. | Claynnys | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
122. | Claynys | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
123. | Claynyss | One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
124. | Contrenah | One who is Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
125. | Coral | Pure, Pinkish Stones, Small Stone | Meaning & Detail | |
126. | Cotreana | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
127. | Cotreanah | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
128. | Cotreena | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
129. | Cotreenah | One who is Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
130. | Cotreina | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
131. | Cotreinah | One who is Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
132. | Cotrena | One who is Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
133. | Cotriena | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
134. | Cotrienah | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
135. | Cotrina | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
136. | Cotrinah | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
137. | Cotryna | One who is Pure, Chaste | Meaning & Detail | |
138. | Cotrynah | Chaste, One who is Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
139. | Dasy | A Southerner, Pure, Incandescent | Meaning & Detail | |
140. | Daycee | English, Pure, Incandescent, A | Meaning & Detail | |
141. | Elina | Woman with Intelligence, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
142. | Enid | Spirit, Soul, Quiet Woman, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
143. | Enshia | Beautiful, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
144. | Fizza | Nature, Silver, Precious, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
145. | Gina | Well Born, Pure, Powerful Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
146. | Ginger | Pure, Virgin, Plant whose Red Root | Meaning & Detail | |
147. | Ginie | Pure, Virgin | Meaning & Detail | |
148. | Ginna | Pure, Abbreviation of Virginia | Meaning & Detail | |
149. | Ginnette | Pure, Virgin | Meaning & Detail | |
150. | Ginnie | Pure, Pet Form of Various Names | Meaning & Detail | |
151. | Ginny | Pure, Virgin, Maiden | Meaning & Detail | |
152. | Glenda | Holy, Divine Goodness, Pure | Meaning & Detail | |
153. | Glennis | Pure, Holy, From the Valley or | Meaning & Detail | |
154. | Ivory | Pure, Creamy-white Colour, Hard | Meaning & Detail |