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If you are looking for the perfect arabic muslim baby boy name that . You are in luck! We have collected the ultimate list of arabic muslim baby boy name beginning with to make your baby name hunt easy and delightful. At the time of considering what name to give your baby, Life care legacy present popular arabic muslim baby boy names that make strong and unique names for your babies. arabic muslim baby names starting with have noway been further popular! Discover rare baby boy name, the stylish options for boy middle names that start with E, and more! And if you love these boy names and want to explore the other letters of the ABC, check out our complete list of arabic muslim boy names from A-Z.
SL. | NAME | LISTEN | See | |
1. | Aabraham | Father of a Multitude or Many | Meaning & Detail | |
2. | Abad | Everlasting, Eternal, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
3. | Abanob | The Gold's Father | Meaning & Detail | |
4. | Abba | Leader, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
5. | Abbe | Nobleman, Father in Rejoicing | Meaning & Detail | |
6. | Abbey | My Father is Light, Intelligent | Meaning & Detail | |
7. | Abbott | The Father of the Abbey | Meaning & Detail | |
8. | Abbu | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
9. | Abdullahi | Father of Prophet Muhammed | Meaning & Detail | |
10. | Abi | My Father, All given to Good | Meaning & Detail | |
11. | Abia | God is My Father | Meaning & Detail | |
12. | Abida | Father of Knowledge, My Father | Meaning & Detail | |
13. | Abigail | Father's Joy, Wise | Meaning & Detail | |
14. | Abijah | The Lord is My Father, Gift of | Meaning & Detail | |
15. | Abizer | Father of Wealth | Meaning & Detail | |
16. | Abod | Father (Heb) | Meaning & Detail | |
17. | Aboo | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
18. | Abot | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
19. | Abou | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
20. | Abraam | Father of a Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
21. | Abrahah | Father of the People | Meaning & Detail | |
22. | Abraham | Faultless, Father of a Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
23. | Abrahem | Father of a Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
24. | Abrahm | Father of a Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
25. | Abram | Exalted Father, Father of a | Meaning & Detail | |
26. | Abrams | High Father, From Abraham, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
27. | Abran | Exalted Father, Variant of Abram | Meaning & Detail | |
28. | Abru | Father of a Multitude or Many | Meaning & Detail | |
29. | Absalom | God the Father of Peace | Meaning & Detail | |
30. | Abteen | Father of Faridoon (a King) | Meaning & Detail | |
31. | Abu | Father (Pahlavi), Master, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
32. | Abu-al-Qaasim | The Father of Qasim | Meaning & Detail | |
33. | Abu-at-Tahir | The Father of Tahir | Meaning & Detail | |
34. | Abu-Isa | Father of Isa | Meaning & Detail | |
35. | Abu-Saeed | Father of Dignified, Name of a | Meaning & Detail | |
36. | Abu-Talib | Father of Seeker, Name of the | Meaning & Detail | |
37. | AbuAbdullah | Father of Abdullah | Meaning & Detail | |
38. | AbuAli | Father of Ali | Meaning & Detail | |
39. | AbuAmr | Father of Amr | Meaning & Detail | |
40. | AbuDalamah | Father of Blackness | Meaning & Detail | |
41. | AbuDarda | Father of a Toothless Old Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
42. | AbuDaud | Father of Daud | Meaning & Detail | |
43. | AbuDawaniq | Father of a Weight of Carats | Meaning & Detail | |
44. | Abue | Father | Meaning & Detail | |
45. | AbuFiras | Father of a Lion | Meaning & Detail | |
46. | AbuGhalib | Father of Ghalib | Meaning & Detail | |
47. | AbuHafs | Father of a Lion Cub | Meaning & Detail | |
48. | AbuHanifah | Father of a Pious Woman | Meaning & Detail | |
49. | AbuHisham | Father of Hisham | Meaning & Detail | |
50. | AbuHurairah | Father of a Kitten | Meaning & Detail | |
51. | AbuJafar | Father of Ja'far | Meaning & Detail | |
52. | AbuJahl | Father of Ignorance | Meaning & Detail | |
53. | Abul-Alaa | Father of Glory | Meaning & Detail | |
54. | Abul-Barakat | Blissful, Father of Blessings | Meaning & Detail | |
55. | Abul-Bashar | Father of Mankind, An Epithet of | Meaning & Detail | |
56. | Abul-Farah | Happy, Glad, Father of Joy | Meaning & Detail | |
57. | Abul-Fath | Victorious, Father of Victory | Meaning & Detail | |
58. | Abul-Fazl | Father of Bounty / Grace, Grace | Meaning & Detail | |
59. | Abul-Hasan | Father of Hasan | Meaning & Detail | |
60. | Abul-Husain | Father of Husain, Caliph Ali | Meaning & Detail | |
61. | Abul-Kalam | Eloquent, Father of Speech | Meaning & Detail | |
62. | Abul-Khair | Virtuous, Father of Good Work | Meaning & Detail | |
63. | Abul-Mahasin | Merits, Father of Virtues | Meaning & Detail | |
64. | Abul-Qasim | Father of Qasim, An Attributive | Meaning & Detail | |
65. | Abul-Yumn | Happy, Father of Happiness | Meaning & Detail | |
66. | AbulAbbas | Father of Abbas | Meaning & Detail | |
67. | AbuLahab | Father of the Flame | Meaning & Detail | |
68. | AbulAina | Father of Aina | Meaning & Detail | |
69. | AbulAla | Father of Sublimity | Meaning & Detail | |
70. | AbulBarakat | Father of Blessings, Blissful | Meaning & Detail | |
71. | AbulBashar | Father of Mankind, An Epithet of | Meaning & Detail | |
72. | Abulbashr | Father of Mankind | Meaning & Detail | |
73. | AbulDurr | Father of the Pearl | Meaning & Detail | |
74. | AbulHaija | Father of Battle | Meaning & Detail | |
75. | AbulHasan | Father of Hasan | Meaning & Detail | |
76. | AbulHusain | Father of Husain, Caliph Ali | Meaning & Detail | |
77. | AbulKalam | Father of Speech, Eloquent | Meaning & Detail | |
78. | AbulKhair | Father of Good Work, Virtuous | Meaning & Detail | |
79. | AbulMahasin | Father of Virtues, Merits | Meaning & Detail | |
80. | AbulMahzurat | Father of a Scare-crow | Meaning & Detail | |
81. | AbulMasakin | Father of the Poor | Meaning & Detail | |
82. | AbulQasim | Father of Qasim, An Attributive | Meaning & Detail | |
83. | AbulSaid | Father of the Sa'id | Meaning & Detail | |
84. | AbuLulu | Father of a Pearl | Meaning & Detail | |
85. | AbulWafa | Father of Loyalty | Meaning & Detail | |
86. | AbulWard | Father of Flowers | Meaning & Detail | |
87. | AbulYumn | Father of Happiness, Happy | Meaning & Detail | |
88. | AbuMalik | Father of Malik | Meaning & Detail | |
89. | AbuSaeed | Father of Dignified, Name of a | Meaning & Detail | |
90. | Abutahir | Father of Innocent | Meaning & Detail | |
91. | AbuTalib | Father of Seeker, Name of the | Meaning & Detail | |
92. | Abuthahir | Father of Innocent | Meaning & Detail | |
93. | Abuzar | First, Top, Father / Owner of | Meaning & Detail | |
94. | Aby | Mazhar, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
95. | Affaan | Name of Caliph Uthman's Father | Meaning & Detail | |
96. | Ahab | Prime, Uncle, Father's Brother | Meaning & Detail | |
97. | Airik | Grandfather of King Minocheher | Meaning & Detail | |
98. | Aram | Highness, Exalted, Quiet, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
99. | Aviram | Father of Heights | Meaning & Detail | |
100. | Babak | Name of the Father of Ardeshir | Meaning & Detail | |
101. | Babul | Gate of God, Father, Name of a | Meaning & Detail | |
102. | Bamdad | Name of Mazdak's Father, Early | Meaning & Detail | |
103. | Barahim | Father of the People | Meaning & Detail | |
104. | Braheem | Father of a Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
105. | Brahim | Father of Multitude | Meaning & Detail | |
106. | Buurab | Father of Earth | Meaning & Detail | |
107. | BuYahya | Father of Yahya | Meaning & Detail | |
108. | Dadapeer | Grand, Father of Spiritual Teacher | Meaning & Detail | |
109. | Ebrahiem | God's Messenger, Father of Many | Meaning & Detail | |
110. | Ebrahim | Father of Many Nations, God's | Meaning & Detail | |
111. | Eyhab | Uncle, Father's Brother | Meaning & Detail | |
112. | Fazalah | Name of the Father of Anas and | Meaning & Detail | |
113. | Ghassan | Father of a Tribe, In the Centre | Meaning & Detail | |
114. | Hashmi | Generous, Grandfather of the | Meaning & Detail | |
115. | Hujayyah | Father of Ajlah Bin Abdullah | Meaning & Detail | |
116. | IbnSina | Sina was the Father of Abu Ali | Meaning & Detail | |
117. | Ibraham | Father of a Multitude, A Prophet's | Meaning & Detail | |
118. | Ibrahim | My Father is Exalted, Arabic Form | Meaning & Detail | |
119. | Ibzan | Father of a Target, Father of | Meaning & Detail | |
120. | Iraf | Name of the Father of Arda | Meaning & Detail | |
121. | Isma | Father of a Multitude or Many | Meaning & Detail | |
122. | Mohab | Of his Father | Meaning & Detail | |
123. | Mohd-Ibraham | Father of a Multitude, Variant of | Meaning & Detail | |
124. | Papak | Little Father | Meaning & Detail | |
125. | Ubai | Little Dad, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
126. | Waleed | Newborn Child, Father | Meaning & Detail | |
127. | Zayden | Handsome, Grandfather, Unclear | Meaning & Detail | |
128. | Zuti | Name of the Grandfather of Imam | Meaning & Detail |